
Printing the Spirit: Gustave Baumann’s Santos

Gustave Baumann (1881-1971) was one of the most accomplished and beloved woodcut artists of the twentieth century, and a key figure in the arts scene in Santa Fe for more than fifty years. A prolific artist best known for his … Continue reading

Sabino’s Map: Life in Chimayó’s Old Plaza

Chimayó, New Mexico is renowned the world over for its Hispano master weaving families, flavorful chile peppers, lowriders, and its fabled church, El Santurio de Chimayó, one of the most visited Catholic shrines and pilgrimage centers in the United States. … Continue reading

The White Orchard: Selected Interviews, Essays, and Poems

Winner of the 54th Bollingen Prize for Poetry (2025) and the National Book Award, Arthur Sze is one of our finest poets. His creative process comes to light in this illuminating selection of seven interviews, three essays, and poems that … Continue reading

The New Mexicans, 1981–83

A follow-up to Bubriski’s best-selling Look into My Eyes: Nuevomexicanos por Vida, ’81–’83 (Museum of New Mexico Press 2016), which was a photographic documentation of Hispanic New Mexicans, this book expands the lens to include Native Americans and Anglos living … Continue reading

ENSŌ: What is Beheld

For years photographer David Scheinbaum had a desire to create imagery without a camera.  The removal of life’s distractions while quarantining during the COVID pandemic offered him that opportunity. Using only the tools of a Zen calligrapher and darkroom chemistry, … Continue reading

Tibetan Memories: Stories From Exile and Dreams Deferred

This is the first book to present the stories of ordinary Tibetan women and men in exile, in their own words, and the first with compelling portraits of the individuals featured––47 in all––along with gorgeous black-and-white photographs of the lands … Continue reading

Seasons of Ceremonies: Rites and Rituals in Mexico and Guatemala

“This remarkable collection of photographs and scholarship brings together the mystical with the visual in a mesmerizing blend. In Frej’s skilled hands, the magic of photography and of Mesoamerican ritual conspire to transport the reader, not with voyeuristic diversion but … Continue reading

The Other World: Animal Portraits

This stunning new collection of photographs by Brad Wilson is inspired by the notion of the “authentic encounter,” that is, allowing the animal to reveal itself to us rather than imposing our subjective notions on it or on the picture. … Continue reading

Maya Ruins Revisited: In the Footsteps of Teobert Maler

Winner of twelve awards, including: 2022 Independent Press Gold Award for Photography 2021 Foreword Indies Gold Award for Best Photography Book & Honorable Mention for Best Coffee Table Book Silver 2021 IPPY (Independent Publisher’s Award): Photography 15th Annual National Indie … Continue reading

A Country No More:
Rediscovering the Landscapes of John James Audubon

In 2010, when photographer Krista Elrick began traversing John James Audubon country in search of the birds the nineteenth-century American naturalist observed, painted, and wrote about, she encountered scarcely a sighting. Instead, she found the lushly forested watersheds and waterways … Continue reading

In the Buddha’s Light: The Temples of Luang Prabang

This engaging memoir takes the reader on a journey into the heart of one of Southeast Asia’s most beautiful and enchanting small cities. Lush, exotic––and full of contradictions––Luang Prabang sits at the confluence of the Mekong and Nam Khan Rivers … Continue reading

New Beginnings: An American Story of Romantics and Modernists in the West

Santa Fe and Taos were among the most important national and international art communities during the 1920s and 1930s; this book explores their similarities, differences, and connections. Legions of American and European artists found new beginnings in the physical and … Continue reading

On the Path of Marigolds:
Living Traditions of México’s Day of the Dead

Photographer Ann Murdy has been documenting the celebrations around Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) in México for more than 20 years. A native of Los Angeles, she first started collecting Chicano art in the 1990s, and was … Continue reading

Where the Buffalo Roamed: Images of the New West

In this latest collection of photographs, taken over the last forty-five years, Joan Myers turns her lens to the contemporary American West. In so doing, she turns our conception of western landscapes and the life contained within them upside down, … Continue reading

Fire Ghosts

In the summer of 2011, in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico, a falling power line sparked a wildfire that burned 158,753 acres of forest. From their home in Santa Fe, 30 air miles southeast, photographers Patricia Galagan and Philip … Continue reading

Florida’s Changing Waters: A Beautiful World in Peril

Lynne Buchanan began photographing rivers to create artistic records of her connection with water and the lessons she learned from rivers about being in the present moment and aligning with the flow of life. The more time she spent photographing … Continue reading

Working with a Publisher: Case Studies of Successful Photo Book Projects

Joanna Hurley with Andrew Beckham and Brenda Biondo Saturday, March 7 4:30-6:30 pm Location: CPAC Gallery, 1513 Boulder St. Denver Tickets: $10 members, $15 non-members Open to All *** LIMITED SEATING: Reserve your seat today! *** Publishing Your Photo Book: Case … Continue reading

The Lost Christmas Gift Book-Signing & Exhibition Opening

In conjunction with the recent release of his new book, The Lost Christmas Gift, Andrew Beckham will do a book-signing at Collected Works in Santa Fe. The following day, Chiaroscuro Contemporary Art will host an exhibition opening of the images and … Continue reading

Reconstructing the View featured on photo-eye’s A Book A Day

RECONSTRUCTING THE VIEW: The Grand Canyon Photographs of Mark Klett & Byron Wolfe is featured on photo-eye’s Bookstore homepage today as the Book A Day for Friday, October 26, 2012. You can purchase a copy of the book here.

What would happen if Publishers banded together and “just said no” to Amazon?

Below is a post I made on the blog for Publisher’s Weekly about an article they wrote recently. Read the article here – then, my comments are below. What would happen if publishers–especially the major houses–banded together and “just said … Continue reading

How to Prepare an Artist Statement

How to Prepare an Artist Statement  by Kate Ware and Joanna Hurley CENTER’s Portfolio Bootcamp, 9-24-11 Before you can write a cogent artist statement, you have to have a really well-thought-out body of work.  So first we are going to … Continue reading

Notes on the Artist Statement

One of the biggest problems I have seen consistently during the reviews that I have participated in over the last ten years is that many photographers do not know how to talk or write cogently about their work. (The other … Continue reading


HOOP By Bill Bamberger Essay by Richard B. Woodward Forthcoming from George F. Thompson Publishing Basketball is the only major league and Olympic ballgame that was invented by North Americans.  Its popularity in the U. S. is near mythic, matched … Continue reading